Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Birth Story (Part 2- Epidural = Sweet, Sweet Relief!)

Birth Story: Part 2

After walking the aisles for over an hour, it was time for my sweet, sweet epidural!A lot of women are nervous about the needle or the pain associated with an epidural, but I wasn't really nervous about it at all. From being admitted to right before the epidural, I had dilated another 2 centimeters (wow and ouch!); I was just so happy to get some relief from the contractions!

After getting the epidural around 5:15am, it was pretty much a non-eventful morning. I was feeling pretty good and it was time for Chad and I to take a nap. We were very much regretting staying up to watch that movie the night before! Luckily for us, Eisley decided she was going to wait quite a while before making her debut. So we had plenty of time to sleep, watch movies (thanks to Chad for loading a ton on my iPad), and spend the last minutes and hours cherishing each other as a family of two.

Dr. Weisberger got to the hospital around noon. She decided to break my water to help gets things started. WOW! I was amazed at how the shape of my belly changed after she broke my water. It was amazing how much water was actually in my belly! She also gave me some Pitocin to give my contractions a kick-start...and boy, oh boy, did the Pitocin work!

(to be continued...)

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