Sunday, January 12, 2014

Back to work

This past week was my first week back to work after almost a full 12 weeks off! I was dreading it. I was having nothing short of panic attacks when I thought of leaving Eisley. I tried thinking of every type of job I could do from home while making the same amount dice! 

We were supposed to head back to school on Monday, Jan. 6th, but luckily enough for Chad and me, it was CRAZY cold and schools were closed Monday AND Tuesday! YAY FOR SNOW DAYS!!! To be honest, we weren't sure if those couple extra days made it easier for us to go back to work, or even more difficult as we sunk even further into our lazy, comfy, never get out of our PJs days at home. 

The dreaded Wednesday came around and it was time; time for me to leave for work. Now, I've never been a morning person, so getting up for work has always been difficult for me; however, there is nothing quite like getting up at 5:30am when you've already been up at least once during the night to nurse the baby.  The alarm clock instantly became my arch enemy. Alarm clock = jerk. 

Once up, getting ready for the day becomes, as Chad puts it, an Olympic sprint to the finish. There is never enough time, you don't have enough hands, and you pray the baby won't spit up on you before you walk out the door. These are the times when Eisley's cute morning smiles put everything back into perspective. 

Day 1 was HORRIBLE! I cried all the way to work. Not the cute, little tears, but the body-wrenching, sloppy ones. By the time I got to work, I looked like I was hit by a bus. BUT, I had made it and was determined to make the best of it! I pulled myself together and walked in. It felt good to see my students and to catch up with my coworkers. To be honest, it was good to get back into a routine. As my friend Alisa has told me, "the routine is good for ME." I agree!  I needed that routine, needed to see my students, and needed to get back to the career I love! I missed Eisley girl desperately and thought of her every single minute, but felt as if I was getting a little bit of myself back that day. 

Kyle watched Eisley on Wednesday and Thursday and sent me lots of pics, but these are my favorite. Gosh, I just love this girl! many days 'til Summer break?! :)

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