Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Birth Story (Part 1- Holy Contractions, Batman!)

On Saturday night (Oct 19th) I started to feel a bit crampy but really thought nothing of it. I was told, by multiple people, that I would KNOW I was having contractions and these little "cramps" didn't cause any serious alarm on my part. So, Chad and I decided to stay up late to watch a movie and headed to bed around midnight.

Around 2:30am, I woke up with a startle. I was having contractions and I KNEW it (Jen and Alisa- you were SO right!)! I woke Chad up and had him start timing. I was having contractions every 3-5 minutes, so we decided to call the doctor; she told us to head to the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital around 3:45am, parked the car, and headed to labor and delivery on the 9th floor. I don't know if you've ever been to the hospital in the middle of the night (I hope you haven't!), but it's pretty much the creepiest place on Earth. The hallways were both dark and empty...pretty much the beginnings of a creepy zombie movie.

I got checked in, put on a glamorous couture (HA!) hospital gown and started to walk the hallways. I couldn't get the epidural quite then, so I had to walk the hallways for about an hour. Let me tell was the longest hour of my life! Chad was amazing; he held my hand, talked me through each contraction, and pretty much kept me from "hulking out" on the kind little nurse who kept telling me to wait "just a little bit longer."

(to be continued)...

There is NO traffic this early in the morning! 

Oh Chad...

This is my contraction face...and my lovely outfit...haha!
I loved this sign! hilarious!

Look how young and naive we are...we have NO idea just how much our lives are about to change!
Walking the halls...

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